Gandharan Collection

Artifact Attributes

Name Value Name Value
Accession NumberPM_02736LocationMain hall
ProvenanceSahri Bahlol, MardanPeriod 2nd-3rd Century A.D;
Receipt DateJan, 1914
Old Accession_NumberMaterialSchist;
MeasurmentcmCheck Date2012-01-19;
Format NameBuddha Life Story Sculpture;
Reg NoR_1719Book Ref Nosubstr(Sehrai, F., The Buddha Story in Peshawar Museum, Peshawar, 1991, Pl. 14, P: 27 Ingholt, H., Gandhara Art in Pakistan, New York, 1957, Pl. 23, P: 12,0,20);


Panel showing prince Siddharatha going to school on a ram.