Gandharan Collection

Artifact Attributes

Name Value Name Value
Accession NumberPM_02752LocationMain hall
ProvenancePurchasedPeriod 2nd-3rd Century A.D;
Receipt Date12/7/1934
MeasurmentcmCheck Date2007-07-17;
Format NameBuddha Life Story Sculpture;
Reg NoR_1975Book Ref Nosubstr(W. B. Pl. 2-24, P: 94, NHK, The Life of Buddha and his Legend,Pl. 38, P: 102 5000 Years of Art in Pakistan, Bonn, 1962, Heibnsha Ltd. Publishers, Pl. 23,0,20);


While yasodhra is sleeping the horse is being brought before Siddharatha, who is seated on the bed. While the label description is a follow. Palace scene showing Siddharatha with Yashudra and a lady playing with a drum, while Bodhisattva is on horse back watching a sick man.